One of Athletes Global Corporation mantras is, PROGRESS not perfection. Incremental growth is consistently praised and valued. Success in anything is a marathon that never truly ends. John Maxwell, is coined for saying, “anything worthwhile is uphill.” Growth in anything demands daily PRACTICE. We look at successful people or organizations and sometimes forget the time, learning, research, failures, passion, and commitment that was invested into becoming successful. Success is not accidental, it leaves clues. There is no growth without failure and without failure there is no SUCCESS.
Progress starts with practice. Growing up as an athlete, in high school my daily goal was to make a hundred jump shots. I believed if I committed myself to doing it daily, my jump shot would improve. Anders Ericsson created the term “deliberate practice”, which means purposeful practice with a goal in mind. What new ritual or routine are you practicing this year to help improve a facet of your life? The stories we tell ourselves leads to the actions we take. We become what we DO. If we want to change our story, we must change our actions first. In the book, “The Practice”, by Seth Godin, he explains “doing what you love is for amateurs, loving what you do is the mantra of professionals.” Persistent and consistent effort over time can yield results.
Godin goes on to explain; intentional action is design with PURPOSE. It all starts with you being honest with yourself and asking, what are you trying to change? What change are you trying to make? Lastly, how will you know if it worked? What gets measured gets accomplished. You cannot find a good reason until you know what you are trying to accomplish. Clarity is power. We have to divorce our story and marry the TRUTH. We do our best work with intention. Living with purpose and focusing on intrinsic goals leads to lasting success. When you commit yourself to improving through deliberate practice, is when growth and opportunity opens its doors. As Malcom Gladwell once said, “practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good, it is the thing you do that makes you GOOD.”
Quote of the Day: “We become what we DO.”-Seth Godin