All behaviors are belief driven. What we do daily is connected to our daily habits and belief system. If you do not value your job, relationship, health, spiritual beliefs, you won’t make them a priority for improvement. Motivation gets us going, but consistency keeps us growing. There’s a “WHY”, behind everything we do. From the time we wake up, we have given each action in our day a MEANING! Therefore the things we focus on expands. So the meaning we give anything is connected to our “WHY”. Our success is always predicated in the VALUE we place on things.
I’ve learned that reasons come before results. Your reasons inspire you go to work, to exercise, to eat healthy, to learn daily, to increase your personal value, to reach your full potential, and to ensure you are creating meaningful relationships. WE are the captain of our ship. Where we want our boat to sail and how fast we want to arrive at our destination, will be up to us. We need to have a compelling vision, clarity for our life purpose and what we want to leave as our legacy. That’s where our “Why factor” will direct the path we need to travel on. Gary Keller, who owns the largest real estate company in the world by agent count says, “Success demands singleness in purpose”.
If your why is powerful, your how is easy. Why do you do what you DO? Are you intrinsically motivated to become financially stable to provide for yourself and help people in need? To take care of your family? Help support worldwide issues? Donate to charitable foundations? Improve the education system? Are you extrinsically motivated to buy nice cars, clothes, purses or homes? Gain fame and notoriety? Have the biggest song on the charts? Number one movie in the world? There’s no wrong answer to what motivates you to pursue your dreams or inspire your actions. I’ve learned only purposeful achievement is ultimately sustainable.
Here are a few questions that will help you discover your purpose and your “Why”, behind what truly provides meaning to your life.
- What makes you smile? (Activities, people, events, hobbies, projects, etc.)
- What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?
- What do people typically ask you for help in?
- What makes you feel great about yourself?
- Who inspires you most? Which qualities inspire you, in each person?
- What are you naturally good at?
- If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
Quote of the Day: “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”– John F. Kennedy