Benjamin Franklin once said, “Energy and persistence conquers all things.” Successful people don’t make excuses, they get it done even when they don’t want to do it. They push through the pain, because they know it’s only temporary. Our lifestyle plays an important part on our daily energy levels. There’s five energy drivers that help us increase our productivity; exercising, eating healthy, sleeping, relaxing and connecting with people. We need to invest time in all five of these energy boosters daily to maximize our output.
I’ve recently implemented a new method for improving productivity called, “brain investment tasks”, for only 30 minute segments. I focus on the task I’m working on for 30 minutes, then I take a 10-15 minute break if needed. If I’m in a flow state, I will go as long as my brain and focus allows me too. The key is to implement brain breaks when working on assignments that need deep thinking, to help you not feel burned out, overwhelmed and engaged.
You know by now, I’m an avid reader and I just completed a great book called, The Energy Bus by John Gordon. He creates a great story of a manager that is struggling in all rems of his life, because he lacks positive energy, accountability, vision and persistence. In the book John Gordon, explains 10 rules that will increase your productivity in life, business and relationships.
Rule 1: You’re the driver. Your life is a sum total of the thoughts you’ve created and actions you’ve taken.
Rule 2: Desire, vision and focus on moving your bus in the right direction. What you focus on will expand.
Rule 3: Fuel your ride with positive energy. Focus more on the positive instead of the negative.
Rule 4: Invite people on your bus and share your vision for the road ahead. Alone we are limited, together we are limitless.
Rule 5: Don’t waste your energy on those who don’t get on your bus. Distant yourself from the energy vampires.
Rule 6: Post a sign that says no energy vampires allowed on your bus. Positive energy is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets.
Rule 7: Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them during the ride. Momentum breeds momentum. Passion is contagious!
Rule 8: Love your passengers. Practice servant leadership.
Rule 9: Drive with purpose. Only purposeful achievement is ultimately sustainable.
Rule 10: Have fun and enjoy the ride. You always have fun when you love what you do.
Quote of the day: “The future brings only what the present gives it.” Unknown