By Jernavis Draughn
The future is closer than what you think! We have been living in the future for years now. The moment Steve Jobs introduced us to the iPhone in 2007, technology in all industries has grown rapidly. From the likes of Amazon, Google, and Facebook, the increase of implementing algorithms to help anticipate and respond to our needs, has scaled these companies to new heights. If you’re in business today, you must be thinking about your future customers and how your industry will be changing this decade with artificial intelligence on the way. As Peter Drucker once said, “if you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” Where will your industry be in five to ten years? Will it be taken over by artificial intelligence? Have you started to prepare? Pivot? Innovate for what the future holds for your job industry or business?
Are you adapting to what’s coming? All great change is preceded by chaos. Technology is disrupting all industries. How do you embrace change? These are the questions you must continue asking yourself to stay ahead of competition, not only with companies, but with artificial intelligence. In the book “The future is faster than you think”, by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kother, they discuss the seven forces of innovation.
- Saved Time. Google searches daily, 3.5 billion queries a day processed. Google alone saves us 52.4 billion minutes daily.
-Amazon Prime. Innovation demands free time.
-Trains- A normal trip is four days.
-Airplane- a normal trip is two to four hours.
-Hyper Loop- a normal Trip is thirty minutes.
2. Availability of capital. More cash means more people experimenting, failing, and eventually succeeding.
-Easier for innovators to find funding than ever before.
-Crowd funding or Kickstarter.
3. Demonetization. Innovation demands research. Your iPhone is a SUPER-COMPUTER.
4. More Geniuses. Humans are smarter because of the access to information.
5. Communication Abundance. We have the power to network. A tool that allows minds to connect with other minds, exchange ideas and spark innovation.
6. New Business Models. Internet, Franchises, Hyper Markets, and Block Chain.
7. Longer Lives. The extended healthy human life span allows more opportunity for growth in all areas.
Here are some industries on the verge of becoming deceased: Customer Service, Cashiers, Retail, Shopping Malls, and Advertising.
Here’s what’s coming in our near FUTURE:
–Uber aerial ride sharing (shared air transportation) watch the video: https://www.uber.com/us/en/elevate/ by 2023
–Autonomous car rollouts (cars driving themselves) by 2020
–Hyper Loop. High speed travel through low pressure tubes. You will be able to travel from Chicago to DC in 30 minutes, New York to DC in 29 minutes.
–Elon Musk rockets coming soon. The rockets will be able to fly you anywhere on earth in under an hour.
–Google Lens. A visual search engine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqD9i4_S87s
–Virtual reality movies. Where you will be able to feel the movie while watching it.
The future is really coming faster than you think. Research the industry that you’re working in now to see where it’s going, what changes are coming in the market, in order to ensure it is going to exist in the next decade. John wooden believed,” failing to plan is planning to FAIL”. Change before you are ready and you will be prepared for what’s coming in the FUTURE.
Quote of the Day: “You can’t solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.” –Albert Einstein