Clarity is power. Jim Rohn is coined for saying, “You have to make measurable progress in reasonable time.” Clarity comes from making decisions that are aligned with your core beliefs and values. Who are you becoming? Who do you want to be? What type of life do you want? The bible says, “without vision, people perish.” The worst thing in life is to have sight but no vision for where you want to go. We often create our vision from our parents, friends, mentors, celebrities, books, movies, or shows. However, your vision is connected to passion, which helps you discover your PURPOSE for being on this earth. The two best days in life are; when you were born and when you discover what you were born to do.
Your next five moves, by Patrick Bet-David, is by far one of the best business books I have ever read. Bet-David explains four keys to discovering your vision.
- Your vision must align with who you want to be.
- Your choices must align with your visions.
- Your effort must align with the size of your vision.
- Your behavior must align with your values and principles.
What drives you to reach your goals? To improve or grow? Are you driven by extrinsic values or intrinsic things? There is nothing wrong with wanting the finer things in life, the nice car or big house, when your values and principles are intact. What you have or own should not define who YOU are. Identity drives behavior, but a flawed identity can drive you to the wrong destination. Bet-David goes over four key drivers that lead our life: advancement, madness, individuality, and purpose. Bet-David explains his result based driven decision-making process, “ITR” (Investment, Time, Return).
- Investment. How much will it cost or save us?
- Time. How much time will it take us or save us?
- Return. Calculate the return on the money and time involved in the decision.
This methodology helps you make better decisions, by focusing on the speed and value of the result or outcome you are looking to receive. Your next five moves walks you through the steps of growing your business to teaching you how to become a better leader. The book describes four responsibilities of a CEO.
- Operating Systems. This is about tightening up your systems, technology, and processes and making them more effective and efficient.
- Business Development/Sales. Creating new relationships with new vendors, clients, and new partnerships. Making the sales process better.
- Next Innovative Campaign. You may launch a program or promotion that is potentially game changing. Create a campaign to drive rapid revenue growth.
- Leadership Development. Exponential growth depends on your ability to develop other people into effective leaders.
Growth is intentional. It is a new year and hopefully you have taken some time to reflect and write down who you want to become and all personal, financial, health, and spiritual goals you want to achieve. We have one life to live, no second chances, only REGRETS. My focus this year is “Intentional Living”. Where any action I take or thought I create, will lead to positive OUTCOMES only. It is a hard task to commit too, but it is worth the return on investment. What will you focus on improving this year? What small habits will you implement to lead you to reaching your goals? Who do you want to become this year? Remember your goals shape your identity.
Quote of the Day: “Move in silence and execute relentlessly.”-Marc Ecko