We all are yearning for financial FREEDOM. They say wealth is just a code for “freedom”, which is the ultimate gift of life. Why do we go to work every day? Why do we go to school for certain degrees? Why do we go after certifications that add value to our resume? Why do we set goals for our life? These actions lead to our “Why”, for everything we do or fail to do in our lives. Some people create financial goals that will help them reach the land of financial freedom. Some people have a certain amount of money to be saved before they retire comfortably. Wealth is built by one good decision at a time. Therefore your destiny is determined by your decisions.
In the book, “Wealth Can’t Wait”, by David Orsborn and Paul Morris, they suggest that everyone should create a wealth vision. They explain you have to plan for wealth, take action steps to move yourself forward, work with people that have knowledge about wealth creation and hold yourself accountable. Martin Luther King once said, “The line of progress is never straight.” You have to be intentional on learning everything you can about wealth creation and implementing the strategies into action. Thinking of yourself as a corporation, you will naturally build wealth. Corporations have multiple streams of revenue. Studies say the average millionaire has seven streams of income.
Everyone earns two forms of income. Earned income is where you put the time in and work for it. Passive income is where it comes without any time or work rendered by you. Shift your thinking from working for money to working for WEALTH! This mindset will inspire you to start thinking about new ways you can increase your income streams. Osborn and Morris, also explained, “The seven habits that build wealth.”
- Live life by design. Start with the end in mind.
- Make business decisions based on solid fundamentals. Do your homework, read and research first.
- Stick with what you know and drill deep. Build where you can make a difference.
- Earn more by learning more.
- Chunk down big goals and hold yourself accountable daily.
- Spend less than you earn and invest the rest.
- Let go of the small stuff.
Write down your vision and make it plain. Helen Keller is coined for saying; the worst thing is to have sight with no vision.” Wealth creation starts with a decision to implement the daily habits that lead to financial freedom. Spend less than you earn. Save money to invest in vehicles that create more money. Wealth is what you don’t see and can’t spend.
Quote of the Day: “Energy and imagination are the springboards to wealth creation.”-Brian Tracy