Your purpose will produce your profit. When you find your why, you will find your way. Michael Hyatt, says people loose there way, when they loose there why. The reason why you do anything will always determine the outcome. Your reasons will reap the results your trying to achieve. Tony Robbins discusses we all have six core human needs that drive us to do what we do in life; Love/connection, certainty, uncertainty/variety, growth, significance and contribution. When we learn what intrinsically motivates us, only then we can continue to ignite that fire to keep going. Learning what makes you feel fulfilled and happy eternally will help discover your purpose.
Here’s a few questions to help you discover your purpose. What service would you do for free? What does your dream job look like? What would you be doing? If you could design and create your life today for what you would be doing in the next 24 months, what would it be?
In the book The Advantage, by Patrick Lencioni he examines the six purposes that every company will fall underneath.
- Customer. This purpose is directly related to serving the needs of an organization’s customer or primary constituent.
- Industry. This purpose is all about being immersed in a given industry.
- Greater Cause. This kind of purpose is not necessarily about what the organization does, but about something connected to it.
- Community. This purpose is about doing something that makes a specific geographical place better.
- Employees. This purpose is not about serving the customer in the industry, or the region, but rather about the employees.
- Wealth. This purpose is about wealth for owners.
As the leader of Athletes Global, I’ve learned that your purpose will drive the team forward. Over the last year, we’ve became maniacal focus on what our mission and intent is for delivering our services and products. Our purpose is to develop future leaders through educational, sports and fitness services. We fall underneath the greater cause and providing a great customer experience. Clarity is power, and purpose trumps strategy. When everyone is clear on the organizations mission, everyone grows in the right direction.
Quote of the Day: “Your purpose defines your priorities.”