Learning is the beginning to creating intrinsic value and wealth. They say the more you learn, the more you EARN. In the world today with everything changing at a rapid pace, the faster you learn, the faster you earn. All learning is state and self- dependent. Being emotionally present and focused is one of the keys to remembering what you learn. School does not teach us how to learn, which is another reason why I think people do not enjoy the process of learning. The VAK (Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic) learning system model, is a methodology that we have implemented into our year-round leadership development academy. Depending on your learning style, you will use one of these methods more often. The goal is to discover which style helps you to learn at a faster pace and more efficient. This process is called meta learning, which means learning how to learn.
In the book “Limitless, by Jim Kwik, he discusses the three-step limitless model: Mindset, “The What”, deeply held beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions we create about who we are, how the world works, what we deserve, etc. Motivation, “The Why”, the purpose someone has for taking action. Lastly, Method, “The How”, a specific process for accomplishing something especially an orderly, logical, or systematic way of instructions. One of the key takeaways from the book that provided me great value was, the seven habits to learn faster and study better.
- Employ Active Recall. Process which you review the material you read and then immediately check to see how much you remembered.
- Employ Spaced Repetition. Review in morning and night. Test yourself on what you remembered.
- Manage the state your in. All learning is state dependent.
- Use your sense of smell. Light rosemary, peppermint, or lemon while reading, studying or learning anything.
- Music for the mind. Try listening to Baroque music.
- Listen with your whole BRAIN. Be present and focus completely on the task at hand.
- Take note of taking notes. Be clear on the “why”, regarding the notes your taking.
Brian Herbert is coined for saying, “the capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice. We live in the information age, where the more you know in your field of work is tangible value.
Becoming a lifelong learner is the start of you taking control of your life’s destiny. We are all prisoners to our choices. Try for one week to implement learning, reading, or watching something educational into your daily routine. Remember progress equals happiness and life is GROWTH.